Monday, October 17, 2011

The weekly menu

Dinner time can be stressful. By the time Hubs and I get home from daycare with Baby C it's close to 6, Baby C is demanding attention and we're all hungry. Last week I decided to attempt a whole new level of organization and do a weekly dinner menu (lunch is a whole other animal so I figured I'd start with dinner first).

First, I picked out my menu. I love to eat and to find quick recipes that have yummy high quality food. I visited the Pioneer Woman's website, and other foodie websites along with my new Giada Di Laurentis cookbook that I received for my birthday (thanks, Hubby). I have to admit that using a weekly menu really forced me to take stock of what I have and what I need. I printed out all of the recipes and have kept them with my weekly menu (so we know what our options are this week). I have to admit... I'm hooked. Life is so much easier this week just by having our dinner dilemma out of the way. Also, when my family starts to act like they're not enthusiastic about dinner I just give them options. Again, fabulous! My step son actually ate butternut squash soup with havarti crostini's this weekend... and liked it!

Hooray for the weekly menu!

Mainstream Mom has some templates of weekly menus... check it out.

1 comment:

  1. when i was a cubicle slave, i planned meals religiously. now that my official job title is blogger - not so much. it certainly does make life easier when the weekly menu is done in advance. you can waste a helluva lot of time asking, "what's for dinner?!", when it's not.
